Clawson Lions Calendar
Monday, Sep. 23, 7:00 PM
General/Board Meeting
Clawson City Hall
Monday, Oct. 14, 7:00 PM
General Meeting
Clawson City Hall
Monday, Oct. 28, 7:00 PM
General/Board Meeting
Clawson City Hall
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
WOW! What a Show! We thought last year's 25th Anniversary of the "Down on Main Street" Charity Car Show was going to be a tough act to follow but this year we nailed it again! The weather was absolutely
fantastic! The cars were awesome! And the crowd was huge! A big "Thank You!" to all the owners that brought nearly 400 vehicles to the show and another big "Thank You!" to the more than 6,000 car enthusiasts that showed up to root for their favorites.
Most of all, "Thank You!" to all of our volunteers, sponsors and the Mayor, Council and staff of the City of Clawson that made it possible to pull this whole thing off with their generous support and encouragement.
Visit our Car Show Info page for all the details.
Missed the Show? Travel back in time!
Check out our Car Show Photo Gallery! If you missed the Show, forgot your camera, or just want to have another look, roll your cursor over the "Car Show" button at the top of any page and pick a year from the
drop-down menu. We added 70+ new photos this year!