What We Do
The Clawson Lions Club is a member of Lions Clubs International, a world-wide organization of more than 1.4 million men and women dedicated to serving those in need. The Clawson Lions Club has participated in many community service projects in addition to helping a multitude of individuals and organizations with financial and volunteer support. Known for their efforts toward stemming preventable eye disease, Lions also provide student scholarships, assist the elderly and handicapped, fund and participate in projects important to their communities and provide leadership training and experience.
Since its charter in 1944, the Clawson Lions Club has brought its talent and resources to many activities serving the citizens of Clawson, Michigan and surrounding communities including...
- Projects at Clawson City Park including providing materials and labor to build playground equipment, bleachers, fencing, ticket booths and erecting a flagpole.
- The "Mexico Mission" project, with help from other clubs and Lions Clubs International, to provide hearing aids to needy adults and children in Mexico.
- Donation of an eye testing instrument to Clawson High School and a ceiling projector to the Clawson Library.
- Donation of wheel chairs, hospital beds and handicapped ramps to those in need.
- Design and assistance with costs of construction and on-going maintenance for a pavilion at Clawson City Park.
- Active participation in the City's annual 4th of July parade and celebration.
- Support for Project Kidsight where preschool children are screened for eye disorders.
- Organization and management of an annual golf outing to raise funds for Leader Dogs for the Blind.
- Hosting the annual "Citizen of the Year" dinner to honor a Clawson resident.
- Joining with Royal Oak Lions to start the Silent Children's Fund to provide treatment scholarships for children at Beaumont Hospital.
- Hosting the annual "Down on Main Street" car show as the major fundraiser for the Club's philanthropic projects.
- Supporting the American Cancer Society's "Walk for the Cure".
- Collecting and recycling used eyeglasses to help others see. Check out this video!

In its 79 years of existence, the Clawson Lions Club has worked hard to live up to the Lions motto -- "We Serve."